Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Nostalgia Thumbs

Hey guys, I did some thumbnails for the second theme. Check me out, I'm drawing.


  1. Sweet! i really like the 3rd image's composition! However, the other two have a lot more of the bg its a tough call. I guess you have to decide whether you want to draw more of the sword details or the background.

  2. Thanks man! I will probably go with the second one so that I have something a little more portfolio-ready, but I like the third one too. It tells a different story than the others, but it tells it more clearly. Plus, is there anything more fun to draw than old man face?

  3. May I humbly suggest old man testicles? Old woman titty? Are you planning on making a vis. dev. portfolio with a focus on environments?

  4. GREAT SECOND POST ED!! awesome paintings man:) really like that third one alot

  5. Yeah Vis Dev or concept art for environments. Thanks guys, maybe I will tie down that third one.
