Monday, May 2, 2011

First Post, First Theme, First Submission

Yo! The long wait is finally over. First theme for this collaborative, community, creative blog is: discovery. Create an image pertaining to discovery. It can be character-oriented, an environment, or whatever. Let me know if you'd like to submit something and I'll send an invite to your email address. Here's my thing:


  1. Sweet! I like the objects in the cave, adds to the story for sure! Maybe we can even post rough sketches and rough work in progress of our paintings. I'll post mine up soon!

  2. looks great! this blog is gonna be a treasure trove. i will continue to hit refresh.

  3. awesome painting and awesome idea! would love to be a part of it.

  4. Haha, I see that secret robot base! Love the textures on this, arthur!
